
An electricity company helping you maximise your solar and batteries.

An electricity company helping you maximise your solar and batteries.

Detailed tips for efficient usage at your property, including solar and battery FAQs.

Our feed in credits

Our standard feed-in rate is 10.2c/kWh.
Get special tips and learn more about our feed in rates.
Got solar and battery ? Look at our innovative GridCredits100 offer, it’s like an additional feed in credit. 

Our solar and battery friendly offers include:

You can add our Virtual Power Plant (VPP) solutions to help you share, save and support the transition to a fully renewable energy grid
diamond energy sun
diamond energy
Interested in a solar and a battery? We can help you access affordable options including:
More information about solar and battery options.

Feel Good… Knowing you are getting the most out of your solar and battery investment.

Make the Switch4Good® today!