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Our energy evolution
Electricity rates and offers
Maximise your solar and batteries
Commercial and Generation
Our energy evolution
Electricity rates and offers
Maximise your solar and batteries
Commercial and Generation
Contact us
Existing Customer Services
Information on
Energy Bill Relief Fund 2024-25
My Account
Payment options
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Resources for Customers
Unexpected high bill
Efficient usage tips
Maximise your solar and batteries
Thrive - share and save
Information about your electricity meter, including
meter upgrades
new connections
supply alterations
, is available
If you have received a bill containing an
estimated meter read
, you can see options and recommendations
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Existing Customers
Payment options
Understand your bill
Pay now
Payment options
Existing Customers
Understand your bill
Electricity rates and offers
Maximise your solar and batteries
Commercial and Generation
Our energy evolution
Contact us