Distributors maintain the electricity poles and wires in your area and carry out routine tasks that incur costs passed through on your electricity bill.
A summary of the most common tasks and their fees and charges is shown below. If the Distributor conducts additional tasks or varies fees and charges, they will also be passed through to your electricity bill. Cancellation of a requested task may also incur fees and charges (depending on Distributor policy).
The service fees and charges shown on this page are inclusive of GST.
Solar PV meter installations
Remote meter reconfiguration
Supply reconnection / re-energisation
Remote (meter-dependant)
Business hours site visit
After hours site visit
Supply disconnection / de-energisation
Remote (meter-dependant)
Special reads
Business hours site visit
New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, truck visits, alterations
Special reads
Supply reconnection / re-energisation
Business hours site visit
After hours site visit
Supply disconnection / de-energisation
Business hours (includes move-out)
New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, alterations
** disconnections in Ausgrid cost $222.98 but are capped at $100.00 with Diamond Energy absorbing the difference
Special reads
Supply reconnection / re-energisation
Supply disconnection / de-energisation
New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, alterations
Special reads
Supply reconnection / re-energisation
Supply disconnection / de-energisation
Service order cancellation fee:
New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, alterations