
Service Fees and Charges

Distributors maintain the electricity poles and wires in your area and carry out routine tasks that incur costs passed through on your electricity bill. 

A summary of the most common tasks and their fees and charges is shown below. If the Distributor conducts additional tasks or varies fees and charges, they will also be passed through to your electricity bill. Cancellation of a requested task may also incur fees and charges (depending on Distributor policy).

The service fees and charges shown on this page are inclusive of GST.

Solar PV meter installations

  • Ausnet Services (truck visit + meter exit fee) – $739.43
  • Citipower (truck visit) – $719.76
  • Jemena (truck visit – disconnection) – $478.32
  • Jemena (truck visit – reconnection) – $554.20
  • Powercor (truck visit + meter exit fee) – $836.47
  • United Energy (truck visit) – $898.84

Remote meter reconfiguration

  • Ausnet Services – $19.69
  • Citipower  – $71.84
  • Jemena  – $65.04
  • Powercor  – $72.47
  • United Energy – $86.97

Supply reconnection / re-energisation

Remote (meter-dependant)


  • No charge

Business hours site visit

  • Ausnet Services – $45.35
  • Citipower  – $47.00
  • Jemena  – $62.16
  • Powercor  – $69.64
  • United Energy – $98.33

After hours site visit

  • Ausnet Services – $79.38
  • Citipower  – $60.37
  • Jemena  – $62.16
  • Powercor  – $113.45
  • United Energy  – $418.51


Supply disconnection / de-energisation

Remote (meter-dependant)


  • No charge

Special reads

Business hours site visit

  • Ausnet Services – no charge
  • Citipower  – $38.64
  • Jemena  – no charge
  • Powercor  – $61.13
  • United Energy – $30.64

New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, truck visits, alterations

  • Pass through

Special reads

  • Ausgrid – $15.87
  • Endeavour Energy – $61.27
  • Essential Energy – $39.77

Supply reconnection / re-energisation

Business hours site visit

  • Ausgrid – $15.87
  • Endeavour Energy – $61.27
  • Essential Energy – $85.14

After hours site visit


  • Ausgrid – $156.54
  • Endeavour Energy – $344.20
  • Essential Energy – $215.52


Supply disconnection / de-energisation

Business hours (includes move-out)


  • Ausgrid – $100.00**
  • Endeavour Energy – $137.17
  • Essential Energy – $93.29

New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, alterations

  • Pass through

** disconnections in Ausgrid cost $222.98 but are capped at $100.00 with Diamond Energy absorbing the difference

Special reads

  • Energex – $15.18

Supply reconnection / re-energisation

  • Business hours site visit – no charge
  • After hours site visit – $140.35
  • Visual safety inspection (VSI) – no charge


Supply disconnection / de-energisation

  • Business hours (includes move-out) – no charge

New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, alterations

  • Pass through

Special reads

  • SA Power Networks – $20.31

Supply reconnection / re-energisation

  • Business hours site visit – $60.94
  • After hours site visit – $136.41


Supply disconnection / de-energisation

  • Business hours – $60.94

Service order cancellation fee:

  • SA Power Networks – $15.96

New connections, meter investigation / accuracy testing, inverter testing / inspections, alterations

  • Pass through


  • The services performed and charges applied for new Solar PV installations vary by Distributor and the specific metering arrangement at a site. The charges above represent the most common and can vary.
  • Meter / site access may be required to complete service works. If you fail to meet an arranged appointment or to provide access, you will still be charged for the requested service.
  • Disconnection / reconnection fee applies when where 3 business days’ notice of the desired reconnection or disconnection date is given and where it performed during normal business hours. Different charges apply where this is not the case.
  • We may pass through all or part of any new or varied fee, charge or tax introduced by a government, regulator, Distributor, or any third party. Our reasonable costs for arranging and managing such services may be included in addition to the above charges in instances.