Renewable Generation Scheduled

Renewable generation services - semi scheduled

Benefit from an automated dispatch and rebid system.


We offer generation services to semi-scheduled NEM-connected projects, including:


Ongoing Management Services:


– AEMO settlements (Austraclear)

– LGC creation and CER management services (inc. brokering of LGCs to market on spot and/or forward basis, CER compliance)

– Access to Diamond GEM for provision of auto-rebid services against prevailing AEMO wholesale energy and FCAS RRP against your chosen price points

– AEMO bidding and re-bidding, generator availability and provision of market dispatch instructions (SS assets only)
Including working with self-forecasting providers to onboard projects to AEMO systems and support for ramp testing to mitigate causer pay FCAS exposure

– Fixed or hybrid price PPAs direct to us, or to corporates via Diamond CLEAN® platform

– Coordination with project’s nominated metering coordinator

– Provision of Meter Data Portal to project’s nominated representative (subject to metering coordinator capability)

– Coordination with the relevant network service providers, on project’s behalf, to enact any service order requests by project

– Regulatory & compliance management as required to service project’s connection points

– Annual generator returns and surveys


Project Establishment Services (Optional):


AEMO registrations applications

CER accreditation applications


Please contact us to find out more.