
Diamond CLEAN®

Our Virtual Energy Network for Large Scale Customers

Reduce your energy costs with direct offset between customer and generator.

The Diamond CLEAN® (Client Leveraged Energy Acquisition Network) model enables the direct offset of Energy Usage from the grid and Energy Export to the grid from multiple distinct customer and generation connection point(s) through a singular market participant, Diamond Energy.

Product features
  • Instantly expandable billing platform, allowing easy NMI (large and small) roll in and roll out (including any localised generation, storage and DER) of existing and newly created NMIs as you expand
  • Direct alignment between “as produced electricity” and “as consumed” electricity per AEMO settlement interval
  • Integrated “one position” which is segmented at a facility level
  • The Diamond CLEAN® model is able to combine itself with Diamond GEM along with the use of batteries so you can mitigate risk and financially hedge your electricity costs
  • Round the clock AI monitoring and control every five minutes to maximise the value of controllable assets.
  • Reduced exposure to spot market prices, as Diamond CLEAN® provides a smoothing effect across your whole portfolio of NMIs
  • Supports thorough sustainability reporting
Case Study: Sunshine Coast Regional Council