Diamond Energy
NRN Logo with Tagline RGB-1

Renewable energy from your solar & battery power system at a low rate.

Renewable energy from your solar & battery power system at a low rate.

What is the NRN VPP?

Ready to Join NRN VPP?

Once the NRN Solar-PV-Battery System is installed with an NRN System Services Agreement you can also join the NRN Virtual Power Plant (VPP).



You’re then able to lock in a long term, low rate for the electricity you use from the solar / battery system and receive an extra 10% discount on your grid electricity.



The NRN Solar-PV-Battery System charges and benefits are all consolidated into your electricity bill.

How to join the NRN VPP

Step 1

You'll need an NRN solar and battery system installed and an NRN System Services Agreement.

You can Register Interest for an NRN representative to contact you to arrange a visit.

Step 2

You’ll be sent details on how to join and switch your electricity supply to Diamond Energy.

Once your eligibility is confirmed and your system is up and running, we’ll add you to the NRN VPP.

The NRN VPP Charges are based on the Solar Capacity and Usable Battery Capacity.


The NRN VPP Charges are adjusted with CPI each year on 1st July.


The NRN VPP Consumption Charge is locked in at 18 cents/kWh (inclusive of GST) for the period you continue to be on the NRN VPP.


NRN VPP Charge will based on the Solar Capacity and Battery Usable Capacity (effective October 2023)


NRN VPP is available as an add-on to our readily available single rate or single rate with controlled load residential market offers in Vic, NSW, SA and Qld (Energex only).

NRN VPP is not available for residential properties listed with life support equipment.

A full list of eligibility criteria is available in the NRN VPP Terms and Conditions.

You’ll receive Diamond Energy’s readily available single rate (or single rate with controlled load) market offer in your region with the NRN VPP as an add-on. Any discounts or other benefits of Diamond Energy market offer will continue to apply.

The NRN VPP is only available as an add-on to our single rate (or single rate with controlled load) market offer.

Your Diamond Energy electricity bill include the normal items:


  • Daily Supply charges


  • Charges for electricity you use from the grid at the All day rate in your region


  • Feed in credits


With NRN VPP, you’re electricity bill will also include:


  • NRN VPP Charge (cents/day) for access to the solar/battery system.


  • NRN VPP Consumption Charge (cents/kWh) is the low rate for the electricity you use from the solar/battery system.


  • Battery Usage Credit for the excess energy we export to the grid during the hours of 6pm overnight to 6am.


  • NRN VPP Grid Usage Discount is an additional 10% discount to your grid consumption kWh charges.


  • NRN VPP Feed-in Credit Transfer Charge – this just offsets your Feed in credits.

Yes. There may be times when we charge the battery using electricity from the grid for later use. But you don’t have to worry, if we later export into the grid, you’ll receive a Battery Usage Credit.


The Battery Usage Credit is for any excess energy we export to the grid overnight.

More details are available in the NRN VPP Terms and Conditions including eligibility and your ability to cancel involvement by providing us notification. You can also switch from Diamond Energy to another electricity retailer at any time.